Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Stick with me and my posts while I'm trying my best to kick negative thoughts out of my head. Life gets hard, shit happens. Some days I want to jump for joy, others I want to jump off of a cliff. Today I was searching through Pinterest and came across a quote from an unknown person that said "I don't have time for negativity" followed by another that my mama sent me that said "Sometimes I regret being nice, apologizing when I didn't do anything wrong, and for making unworthy people a priority in my life". Well, hello reality, thanks for the smack in the face telling me to shape-the-hell-up.

I decided that I need a constant reminder of how lucky and truly blessed I am so I am starting right now, today, listing five things each day that I'm thankful for. I read an article recently on another blog about how if think enough positivity then the negativity will be pushed out. It makes sense, right? But you can't always believe what you read these days so let's test it out......

Easy silence.......
Flowers surrounding me........
New bottle of wine........
Good book to read.........
Comfy clothes........

Think positive. Think happiness.

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