Friday, August 30, 2013


I have always hated the water. I don't know why, I can swim but I still don't like it. I'm okay with a swimming pool but any natural bodies of water just freak me out. This summer I've tried my hardest to make an attempt to overcome it. Although it will probably never completely go away, it has gotten better and I'm so happy for that. So far this summer, there's swimming, kayaking, tubing, a little bit of everything. I guess when it's this hot, you really have no choice!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


My brother took this photo of me and then said, "You look like a mongloid." Thanks man, thanks.


I'm breaking my silence after almost a week. It's been quite a crazy one. In the past month or so, I have been back in contact with a couple of old friends that I haven't talk to in quite a while. It's been amazing to be able to have these people back in my life. Catching up on what everyone has been up to is insane, the things that we have all done after we went separate ways from one another and the path that somehow led us back together.

One of these friends is going through some terrible times these past few months. To top off his list of troubles, his father passed away unexpectedly on Friday morning. The devastation was so sudden, with no signs leading up to it. His family never got to say goodbye, they never got to tell their father how much they loved him. My point being, you never know when someone that you love could be gone. We are always taking each other for granted and for some people, they wake up one day and it could be too late to tell that person that you love and appreciate them. It may sound cliche, but it's the truth. I forget it sometimes, until it hits so close to home.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I have been on hold while attempting to figure out another problem with my financial aid for school and when you put my frustration with the entire situation together with their terrible elevator holding tunes, there's a possibility for a freak out. So I decided to put together my August playlist for you all while I was waiting. I hope you like it.


It's this little kitty's third birthday today! Thanks for making me a crazy cat lady, Miss Karen. Life without you would be really boring.

Friday, August 16, 2013


Happy Friday! It's been quite a long week. You know, one of those. My thoughts for today are a bit scattered...
...The man that lives below me must be dead if he can't hear his alarm that went off for at least an hour this morning.
...Possibly the family that lives above me too, considering it's 11:30 am and it still doesn't sound as if they are about to fall through my ceiling.
...Am I in a twilight zone?
...My house is a disaster and I must do something about it but I really don't want to.
...Is it possible that I actually want to go camping right now?
...I hate camping.
...I need to work-out today.
...I don't really want to do that either, though...

Sunday, August 11, 2013


This weekend I had a reoccurring thought that normally doesn't come to my mind. I just want to get out of here. I just want a break. Normally, I am the world's biggest home body and the thought of going on a vacation just gives me anxiety. But right now, for some odd reason, is different. I can't even tell you where I'd want to go, I don't think that I really care. Maybe somewhere in the middle of nowhere, with no one around. Maybe in the middle of a city, with everyone around. If you could pick up and leave right this very second, where would you go?

Shirt // Bandit Brand. Cuff // Made by a friend.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


This summer is far better than last. I have a new job with much more freedom. Last weekend we went to Flaming Gorge with two of our favorite friends. We didn't get too lucky with the weather so we had to take advantage of it while we could. We got the chance to go shooting (the boys weren't too happy with some of our photos but, I promise, we do know gun safety) and a little bit of swimming. We got to cook lots of great food and just enjoy ourselves. Overall, it was a fabulous weekend away from the city.


Sorry guys, I promise I'm back for good. After a few months, I think that I've realized that this is a healthy out for me from getting my shit in a pile in my life. I decided I did want a new start though, so previous posts are deleted and we are starting up fresh. More changes are coming soon, too!

Today I mindlessly put grounds where my water is supposed to go in my coffee maker and got the drawstring of my skirt caught on the cord of my straightener, which proceeded to fly off of the counter and break. I love you too, Thursday.