Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Karen the cat turned four years old last week and has been strutting around the house ever since. Maybe it's in my imagination but we will never really know. Everytime she pauses and stares at us in her oh-so-regal pose with her head held high, Greg says, "I'm four!" as if she is so proud of it.

We have had lower temperatures in the city that past week (it feels so damn good) so we have been keeping the windows open more often. You can't beat free AC. She loves loves loves sitting in the window sills with the air coming in and the noises of outside. Some of the windows are a little higher than she expects and she ends up clinging on for dear life with her nails and hangs there while Greg points and laughs at her. Mean.

Life has been quite busy with work, studying, and fun-filled weekends. Last weekend we flew to Colorado and spent time with Greg's extended family at the most beautiful ranch you have ever seen, fly fishing, riding horses, and all of that fun stuff. It was so nice to see his grandparents and his sister, as well as to meet his aunt, uncle, and cousins. They are such a great group. (Blog post coming soon.)

This coming weekend we will be camping out at Miller Motorsports Park for the annual vintage motorcycle races. We haven't missed this event for the 4 years that we have been dating. It's one of my favorite traditions. You can see last year's photos here. We haven't ever camped out there though, we normally just go for the day. It should be a fun time.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


But look how delicious it looks, guys. Banana and peanut butter toast has become my favorite morning routine these days. We have gotten so much rain this August in SLC and I'm loving every second of it, minus the fact that my hair seems to look like Monica's when the gang goes to Barbados. I have been over the heat since the first day that it hit 80 degrees this year. Helloooooo, fall!

Here are links to a few of my favorite things at the moment. Enjoy.

1 /// I am so happy that someone pinned this Tumblr page. Could these posters get any more beautiful?

2 /// Fall is in the air and I'm craving everything pumpkin. Breakfast, dessert, I'll have it all.

3 /// I am dying for one of these mods from This Is Ground. So cool, yet so handy. And the inserts? What an amazing idea.

4 /// I am wanting to try all of these at-home spa treatments, especially the anti-redness facial. I love being able to treat myself with random ingredients that I already have from around the house.

5 /// My mom loves ginger ale and naturally, she has passed that on to me.

6 /// I am IN LOVE with this camper. Imagine how fun it would be to travel around in.

7 /// Adding all of these to my reading list.

8 /// And I think everyone needs to read this one.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Finding this beautiful piece was exactly what I needed this morning. It was both pleasing to the eye and calming to the mind. Designer Allison Supron creates gorgeous work, possibly some that you have seen without knowing. Check out her latest experimental typography showcase here

Photo Credit /// Allison Supron

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


This photo describes my life right now perfectly. There is no amount coffee in the world that can keep me alive, alcohol maybe, but unfortunately that doesn't make for the best studying. I will, however, say that I have learned a few things over the last couple of months while studying my ass off. I haven't always been the greatest studier, and I'm an even worse test taker. I know, definitely some things that I need to improve if I want to go to law school. But hey, I'm working on it!

1 /// Put all distractions away. In order to keep myself from checking my Instagram or Twitter feed fifty-seven times during practice tests, I have had to force myself to put my phone in a land far, far away and only check it once I'm done. I have even had to use a little old-fashioned thing called a watch to time my tests.

2 /// Have delicious, healthy snacks within arms reach. Not to mention, enough of them to last an entire study sesh. And never EVER forget water.

3 /// Set up an area entirely for studying. The hardest part of this is finding a good balance between comfortable and too comfortable, you don't want to go falling asleep mid-test prep but you also don't want your butt to be numb within 3 minutes of sitting there. I also like to set up an area strictly for studying so that I don't have to clean it up at the end of each day or each time I take a break. You waste time if you have to set it all up each time you want to focus on your work.

4 /// Take mini breaks. I like to take small breaks every half hour or so and walk outside to stretch, put the laundry in the dryer, whatever, as long as my brain gets a rest for a couple of minutes.

5 /// Don't overdo it. There is such a thing as too much studying. I feel like I do it the majority of the time, or at least I used to. There's a point where it's okay to step away, de-stress, and breathe.