Friday, May 23, 2014


I don't know if you can relate but my allergies have kicked up again this week. I was thrilled to see this post on the Free People blog to help cure my irritation.

I enjoyed reading these tips about life after college graduation. Even a year later, I still get freaked out.

I have been looking for a great, decently-priced weekender bag for quite some time. Krochet Kids now have these darling ones and I think I just may have to purchase one.

Looks like we know what I will be drinking all weekend.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


We spent a little bit of time this past weekend washing the bikes, getting them all ready for summer riding. It's been close to 80 degrees for the majority of the past week so you begin to feel that itch to hop on and go. Greg still has some work to do on his bike before it's ready for the season but my loyal old Honda is set and ready. 

I got my bike about three years ago. The first couple of months I couldn't seem to get the hang of riding (which now I'm a bit embarrassed about) but as soon as I figured it out, I was pretty inseparable from it for quite some time. Even after that summer ended, I rode it to my classes all winter, rain or snow, I didn't care. I've become a wuss again since then. If it's colder than 75, this girl isn't riding! I should probably snap out of that shit ASAP. 

I love this boy and the passion that he has for building bikes and doing what he loves. This time last year he was working everyday 9 to 5 and then not even taking a break before getting started on his own project (the bike you see here), sometimes until 2 A.M. I can't imagine having the level of devotion that he does. I like my sleep too much. 

And no weekend is complete without Bloody Marys....and mimosas.....and whatever else you like......

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I haven't had the chance to show off the new house yet because we are still getting settled. Greg is working on building his portfolio for grad school (he hopes to go for industrial design) so he is wanting to build a lot of our furniture for the new place himself. I'm a little relieved, I think my days of liking Ikea furniture are coming to an end. I'm growing up, y'all. It's fun to design our little house together because we both have very different styles but they seem to come together well. I'm eclectic, I like a little bit of everything, random shit everywhere. Greg is a huge lover of post-modern design so we are kind of on opposite sides of the spectrum but we make compromises and I feel like it comes together better than if either of our styles were alone.

I grew up with a mother that's an interior designer and our home was always gorgeous and it continues to be. However, it's completely different from what I surround myself with in my own home. My house and the way that I set it up probably drives my mother nuts but at the same time, she loves that her kids have their own style and eye for things. My parents have both always been extremely supportive of our creative natures, as they both are also very creative people. 

This little room is part of our "living room". I think the space is meant to be a dining room but we aren't much of the dining-room-type so we put a book shelf and little table with two chairs that Greg built in this space. I'll photograph those later once I get the background of them set up. For now, you can see TV cords and this girl isn't having that. My amazing friend, Kim, helped me finally start to put things on the walls this past Saturday and it made this place feel so much more like home.

If you're wondering where the beautiful print came from in the first photo, it was made by the wonderful Salt Lake artist, Dan Christofferson. You can find more of his stuff at Bee Teeth

Friday, May 9, 2014



Maeve and I have spent the past few days in Vegas for a much-needed girls getaway. It ended up being exactly what we were looking for. I've had so many people tell me that Vegas is perfect for just a few days but you never want to outstay your welcome. I feel that the three days and three nights that we spent there gave us just the perfect amount of sun, fabulous food, and entertainment, whether it be shows or just the crazies along the strip.

What is a better girls trip event than the ever-so-entertaining-and-amazing Britney Spears? I'm going to be quite honest, that's the only reason why we chose Vegas. Maeve and I have never outgrown, and probably never will outgrow, Queen B. The show was everything that we were hoping it would be. We had high expectations, we bought our tickets five months ago and haven't quit dreaming about it ever since, and she didn't disappoint. It was good to feel 12-years-old again.

I hate shitty concert photos, too, but I couldn't help it.