Tuesday, March 4, 2014


And no, one of them is not regarding my terrible manicure. ^^^ I woke up the other morning and read an article on Refinery 29 about 25 things that you should stop doing before age 25. Many of them didn't necessarily apply to me but it did get me thinking this morning during my morning routine about a list of my own things that I could benefit from cutting out of my life.

Please excuse the scattering of my thoughts.

1 // Letting the dishes and clothes pile up before washing. I know that I would be much happier, not to mention that my apartment would always look much cleaner, if I stopped procrastinating washing dishes and clothes.

2 // Getting angry when someone gives me advice that isn't what I want to hear. If my mom and dad are reading this, I'm sure they will appreciate it. When I get advice that isn't  what I want to hear, I tend to get irritated and tell them that they are just being negative. In reality, they are just thinking through all of the different situations that could come about with making a decision.

3 // Taking on more than I can handle. I tend to be the type that takes on things just because I have a problem telling someone 'NO'. The majority of the time, that ends up biting me in the ass. I run out of time, run out of energy, or just simply have too much to do.

4 // Not carrying cash. This one was on the Refinery 29 list and was a bit of a wake up call for me. They say that if you don't ever carry any cash, you end up spending more money. If you carry cash, you don't spend as much because you can see it diminishing before your eyes.

5 // Panicking when I miss a call. Why is it that a missed call freaks me the hell out but I really don't care if I screen my texts? I think that in this day and age it's just because I feel that if someone calls me, it's probably more important than if they text me so if I miss it, something could be wrong or urgent. But, really, when was the last time that it actually was urgent or something was wrong? Probably never.

6 // Feeling like I need to justify myself when I tell someone 'no'. I don't owe anyone an explanation if I just simply just don't feel like it.

7 // Feeling guilty when I splurge on a gift for myself. Once in a blue moon, it's okay to buy yourself something pretty. I work hard, I save a lot, and it's okay to splurge on occasion, whether it's a new handbag or a relaxing massage.

8 // Facebook stalking. Why is it so interesting to Facebook "stalk" old flames or high school acquaintances? And honestly, what do we get out of it? I'm pretty sure that the majority of the time it just pisses me off!

9 // Justifying why I got/have tattoos. I like them, that's why.

10 // Feeling like I need to pick up the slack of others. I have enough of my own, thanks.

11 // Getting nervous when quoting the price of a project. Whenever I do freelance design and someone asks for a quote, I get nervous that they are going to think it's too much and freak out.

12 // Being caught up on the past. This one is definitely easier said than done.

13 // Not taking advantage of where I live. I live in one of the most beautiful places in the country. And yes, I'm from Utah and have never been skiing. I will someday but honestly I don't have much of a desire to. But that doesn't mean that there aren't amazing other experiences to be had here, even if it's a weekly hike or Sunday motorcycle ride, Utah is gorgeous.

14 // Caring about people's remarks about my path in life. "Wow, that's a big jump!" Yes, I went to art school. Yes, now I'm going to law school. But at the end of the day, I had to get some sort of Bachelors degree in order to go to law school AND I had some of the best experiences of my life and met lifelong friends.

15 // Feeling lazy when I take a day and do nothing. I've always had an uptight personality, I am always going, going, going. And the couple times a year that I sit in my pajamas all day and watch movies, I feel guilty the entire time that I'm not being productive. I need those times, everyone does. Your body and mind need to play catch-up once in awhile and that's A-okay.

16 // Throwing my clothes all over my closet instead of hanging them back up. And then I'm like "Where the hell did this/that go?!" Oh duh, it's probably underneath all of the other shit.

17 // Not putting things back where they belong.

18 // Feeling awkward when I use a normal camera. iPhones have really changed the way that we think at our world through photography. It can be both good and bad. I feel that whenever I take my SLR somewhere and take photos, everyone looks at me weird but at the end of the day, my photos look much better than iPhone photos.

19 // Poking myself in the eyeball with my mascara. You would think that ten years later I would be able to apply my makeup every morning without injuring myself.

20 // Forgetting an umbrella. This is the story of my day today. I get up early to curl my hair and look good for work and then forget the umbrella and now look like a drowned rat.

21 // Worrying about things that are out of my control. Sometimes there are limits on what I can do to control a situation but I can't seem to get that through my head. There's no point in stressing the outcome if there was nothing that you could do to hurt or help it.

22 // Caring if it's a Friday night and I just want to lay in my bed and watch movies. Just because I'm young doesn't mean that I have to party all weekend every weekend. Sometimes I need to just catch up on my relaxation time and that's just fine.

23 // Waiting until the last minute to pay my rent and bills. I mean, eventually that money will have to be taken out so why not in advance from when it's due?

24 // Telling myself that I'm going to workout when I get home from work and then instead have a glass of wine. The wine can wait another hour, really!

25 // Watching the same shows over and over again. I have to broaden my horizons.