Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Happy 2014 everyone! Rather than having a New Year's resolution, I prefer to have somewhat of a long to-do list for this year. A list that of things that range from easy to accomplish to difficult, an entire spectrum of goals. I want to continue to add more as I think of them but I've started with this small list...

1 // Get into law school.
2 // Take a weekend girls trip to Las Vegas.
3 // Complete a long bike ride with Greg's mom.
4 // Try one new recipe every week.
5 // Finish a secret design project that I've been working on the past few months.
6 // Move into a house.
7 // Have platinum blonde hair.
8 // Use my sewing machine.
9 // Keep a plant alive.


  1. Happy New Year! I love this idea of having hard and easy things to accomplish throughout the year. I definitely have to better with cooking and coming up with different things to eat. May need to get on that with you ;)
    xo TJ

    1. Happy New Year! Yes, do! I will post recipes on here as I make them.

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