Friday, January 3, 2014


Well, I have spent the first three days (and counting) of 2014 in bed with some terrible sickness. Sore throat, fever, no voice, headache, the whoooole enchilada. I'm going crazy, I'm not really the lay-in-bed-all-day type of personality, even if I'm sick. I feel like I've spent more time on Pinterest than ever before combined. Luckily, even though I'm not well enough to go into work, I've been able to lay here and get caught up on some freelance projects that need to get done this month. For once, I'm actually ahead of the game!

I started the book The Defining Decade last year and only got about thirty pages into it before school took over my reading time. I have this semester off so I am planning to read all of the books that I haven't had time to read in the past four years of college. In the past couple of days, I have already gotten three-quarters of the way into this book and I love it. My generation has the view that "thirty is the new twenty" and that we can just have fun in our twenties and then get serious at thirty. I haven't ever had this view, making it difficult for me to see why other people felt that way. I have always been serious about my future (possible too serious at times) and would rather work hard than sit back and smell the roses. However, I have also had the view that I won't get married young, will always live with someone before marriage, and many other things that this book has called me out on and made me realize that I have only been living to justify these feelings in order to convince myself that they are true.

The book addresses the outlooks that twentysomething-year-olds have on work, love, and the brain and the body. It's so inspirational but at the same time, calls you out on the bullshit feelings that as a twentysomething you have and insist that you are right about. I have learned that I need to find a definite balance between work and play, but also a lot about marriage, careers, and myself. I know that I will be changing a few things about my life and feelings about myself and the relationships of my boyfriend, my friends, and my family. Changing these will make me a better person and have a positive influence on my future.


  1. let me borrow this book when you're finished!!

  2. Absolutely! I bet I will be done in a couple of days! I'll give it to you when we meet up to talk paper and envelopes for your invitations! :-)

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