Tuesday, December 17, 2013


At 11:59 PM tonight, I will finally be done with my first degree. I walked at graduation in the spring but still had a few credits to finish up. This past week has been so busy, sorry for my silence. Two huge papers, work everyday, and Christmas parties all weekend, I'm exhausted. I can't wait to be able to enjoy the holidays more come tomorrow. But I feel like I still have so much to do. Send packages, wrap presents, and much more. Here's a few things on my mind this fine Tuesday:
// The scene in this picture looks so warm.
// I need a manicure.
// Our air in Salt Lake City needs to clean its act up.
// I keep making lists of any last minute gifts to grab and then I keep losing them.
// I would do anything to get back in my bed right now.

Photo: anthologymag.com

1 comment:

  1. This is a very difficult thing to handle your friend’s emotion when she loses her father. But only you have to support her by giving some beautiful condolence message with some flower and make her understand that is the truth of nature and you have to believe this, once a time in our life we all face the same situation. Hope it will help her, or you can visit my page to know more about these things.
