Saturday, December 28, 2013


As always, we had a great holiday with my family. I've come to the conclusion (which I'm completely fine with, by the way) that my parents will never allow us to not spend the night at their house on Christmas Eve and wake up to what Santa brings. Even when my brother and I both have kids, I bet we will all camp out at their house and have Christmas there. It's a fun tradition and I love that we can't break it. I know that a lot of kids after they are grown up and out of the house just treat the holidays as blah, but in our family, it will always be the most exciting time of the year.

I always get really bummed out once Christmas is done and over with, this year is no different. Luckily, I have enough to keep me busy that I haven't thought about it as much.


  1. awwwww mom looks so good! her hair is so much longer.
    and dad is dashing as always.
    love these.

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