Sunday, February 23, 2014


Ever since going to Portland earlier this month, I can't get it off of my mind. I feel a bit restless here in Salt Lake, even with as much as I truly love it. For the past four years, I never had the option of moving because I was in college. Before that, I had to go where ever my parents went. Now that school is over (for now) I feel that this is my time to find a new adventure somewhere else before I go to law school. The past few days, I've been working hard on doing research on Oregon-area law schools to see if that could be an option and it looks like it is. The problem is getting residency because there's no way this girl can pay a non-resident tuition!

As a kid, we lived over the river from Portland in Vancouver, Washington for a couple of years. I liked it then but now it is a completely different story. I feel that it is the place for me. I can see myself there, being happy there, and being successful there. I love Salt Lake and it will always be home but after being here for this long, you realize that because it is such a small city, you've done everything you can and you've met everyone in it. Things start to feel repetitive and stagnant.

I don't know what will end up happening but it's all definitely in my thoughts. Maybe it's all just a dream, but you know what, dreams are good, too. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I'm feeling restless too and have been thinking how great it would be to move to Boston for the year before I go to medical school. Sometimes it seems daunting, but then I reassure myself that I really don't have anything to lose and now's the time to try something new before I'm stuck somewhere for school. Do it!

    PS: I love following along with your blog!

    amanda oechsle
